What is Akamai netsession client?
Akama Netsession client makes your downloads and streams more reliable and improves the speed.
It usually comes with popular games, programs (Like adobe) installations. It is secure software.
Is it a virus or trojan? Does Harm my Computer?
No. Akamai Netsession client developed by Akamai Technologies.
Akamai Technologies collaborates with a wide range of prominent organizations, which you can explore on their website.
As a leading company in improving global internet speed, Akamai Technologies has established a strong reputation for reliability. It’s important to note that the Akamai Netsession client is not a virus, trojan, or malware.
Should I remove it?
If you got a problem with it you can uninstall it. It won’t harm your system. But if you are downloading too much data (Game or software updates, download new games, online video streamings, etc) it will help you. Simply keep & allow it.
Does Akamai Net session violate my privacy?
The Netsession is safe and reliable. There isn’t violate privacy. It’s not malware. It’s a tool for improving the speed of the connection.
How to temporarily stop Akamai Netsession?
- Go to Control panel,(left click windows button, select run, write “control panel” at the box, click ok, click uninstall a program or programs and features), select system preferences
- Under service hit the stop.
How to uninstall Akamai Netsession Client on windows?
For Windows 10 ;
- Go to Control Panel(left click Windows button, select Run, type “control panel” at the box, click ok, click uninstall a program or programs and features)
- Select Akamai NetSession Interface
- Click Change/Remove, then click Yes to confirm your choice.
Method 2 – Via command prompt windows 10:
- Start cmd.exe (left click Windows button, select Run, type “cmd” at the box, click ok)
- Type: admintool.exe uninstall -force
- Press Enter key.
How to uninstall Akamai Netsession Client on Mac OS?
- Application-UtilitesFolder-Open Terminal
- Go to Akamai Net Session Interface destination, ~/Applications/Akamai/ .
- Type : admintool uninstall -force
- Press Enter key.
What does Akamai do? How Akami Netsession client works?
Akamai is a leading Content Delivery Network (CDN) company. Delivers 95 exabytes of data a year.(1 exabyte = 1 000 000 terabyte) Akamai net session client works with a peer-to-peer system. This means it will use your internet to deliver data. This doesn’t impact your internet speed. It will activate only when your pc is idle. You can see Akamai Netsession client on task manager. Go to task manager and find “netsession_win.exe”.You can close it from there.
What is a content delivery network?
Content delivery networks are the backbones of the internet. The main goal is to provide high speed and availability to end-users. Reduces latency(Response time) and provides more fast page load. Everyone is using CDNs whether know it or not. Major sites like Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, etc. use CDN.Major of internet traffic serving via CDNs.If the site uses CDN;
- Will Improve page load times.
- Will save bandwidth (Decrease Bandwith cost)
- Improve content availability
- Get Better Website Security
What is latency?
Latency is several kinds of delays. A good network has low latency. Latency is getting bigger when distance is getting higher. Content delivery networks can decrease it. Latency will be under 100 ms on DSL or cable internet. Satellite connections have more latency like 500 ms.